Return Policy

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To make a return:

  • Items must be unused.
  • Items must still be in their original packaging with all tags attached.
  • Items must not be damaged or show signs of wear.
  • You must have a receipt or other proof of purchase.

Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges of clearance or sale items. We also cannot accept returns of:

  • Items damaged by improper use such as washing the tumblers in a dishwasher.

To return a product, send the product back to 4575 Elena Way, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 via shipping company of your choice, along with proof of purchase and your details. We will send a confirmation email once we have received your returned item(s). Customers are responsible for all shipping costs. A restocking fee of 25% will be added to any item that is not returned in its original condition.

For customer support or additional questions, you can contact us at[/woodmart_text_block][/vc_column][/vc_row]